A Marriage Catechumenate Since 2012
Inspired by the baptismal catechumenate, the marriage catechumenate offers formation and accompaniment to couples, guiding them toward an encounter with Christ. This transformative journey begins well before the sacrament of marriage and continues as couples grow in their vocation to live a Christ-centered life.
Shining a Light Through the Marriage Catechumenate
Our mission is to cultivate communities of evangelizing spouses who shine as a light in the world. Focused on fostering relationships rather than merely creating content, we work to advance the marriage catechumenate in parishes, across continents, and around the globe.
In Our Parishes
Our Marriage Prep & Enrichment
Witness to Love stands out by empowering couples preparing for the sacrament of Marriage to choose mentors they admire. Together, they embark on a journey through our virtues-based marriage catechumenate model and beyond. Since 2012, we’ve helped over 500 parishes adopt and implement this transformative approach!
Watch How & Why it Works!In North America
Marriage Catechumenate Summit
In 2023 and 2024, Witness to Love brought together clergy, lay leaders, and marriage champions from the U.S. and Canada to explore the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life and discuss practical ways to implement the marriage catechumenate across North America.
Watch the HighlightsAbroad
Vatican Presentations & Appointment
The Verrets were honored to speak at the 2021 International Forum: Where Do We Stand with Amoris Laetitia?, the 2022 World Meeting of Families, and were appointed as Consultants to the Vatican Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life by His Holiness Pope Francis in 2023.
Watch 2021 Presentation
The Marriage Catechumenate Summit
The Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life (CPML), released in 2022, is a 'pastoral tool' developed by the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life. It provides practical applications for the marriage catechumenate model first introduced in Familiaris Consortio (1981) and has guided Witness to Love since its inception in 2012.
In 2023 and 2024, we gathered with leaders from across North America at the Marriage Catechumenate Summit to explore the CPML within a North American context. We’re excited to share key takeaways from the inspiring discussions held in 2023!
Get Involved!
The Road to Family Missionary Discipleship
Inspired by the Synod on the Family and Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, Catholics have sought to bring the Church’s beautiful vision for marriage and family evangelization to life. Drawing on Church teachings, personal testimonies, and the insights from the Witness to Love marriage ministry, The Road to Family Missionary Discipleship provides a practical guide for churches, ministries, and disciples of Christ to form holy marriages and accompany families in their mission to share the 'joy of the Gospel.
Forever Love: A Mini-Documentary about the Marriage Catechumenate Summit
MAX Studios captured the essence of the Marriage Catechumenate Summit held at Circle Lake Retreat Center near Houston, Texas, in June 2023. This mini-documentary highlights key takeaways for newlyweds, married couples, and those preparing couples for marriage in the Catholic Church across North America.
Articles on the Marriage Catechumenate

Witness to Love: Answer to a Synod’s Prayer for Marriage Formation?
By National Catholic Register, November 4, 2015

Is Marriage Catechumenate the Church’s Missing ‘Antidote’ for the Marriage Crisis?
By National Catholic Register, February, 14, 2017

Vatican’s New Document Welcomes ‘Marriage Catechumenate’
By National Catholic Register, July 26, 2022
Personal accompaniment key to Vatican’s expanded vision for marriage formation
By OSV News, January 17, 2023

As Marriage Rates Continue to Plunge, How Can the Church Get More People to the Altar?
By National Catholic Register, July 11, 2024

Marriage formation leaders explore catechumenal models for marriage formation backed by Vatican
By OSV News, July 10, 2024