About Us
Witness to Love is a virtues-based, Catechumenate model of marriage renewal and preparation.
We integrate modern principles of psychology and the virtues to help couples facilitate an authentic dialogue about their relationship.
What makes Witness to Love unique is that the engaged couple chooses their own mentor couple. This is a couple they both admire and see as a source of faith formation. This mentor couple gives them a concrete connection and integration into the parish. Through the sharing of the mentor couples’ own marriage journey, the engaged couple inherits a “lifeline” of support in their commitment to Jesus and His Church.
Why Parishes are Switching to Witness to Love
Witness to Love marriage preparation lowers the chances of divorce and increases the chances of parish involvement.
Traditional Marriage Prep
Divorce Rate for Catholic Couples 5-Year Mark
Divorce Rate for General Population 5-Year Mark
Witness to Love
Divorce Rate for Witness to Love Couples 5-Year Mark
Increase in church attendance among Witness to Love newlyweds.
Our Core Values
Our mission is to build and sustain communities of evangelizing spouses to be light in our world. We believe in building communities and not just creating content.
It is through relationships that disciples are born. We believe in allowing couples to see marriage lived out in the homes of mentors they choose and admire. This creates a place of encounter with Jesus for couples and mentors alike.
Virtue formation is a lost art and a necessary precursor to the development of relational skills that make for a lasting and happy marriage.
A solid parish connection means couples will have lasting lifelines to hold on to in every step of their marriage journey.
The Founders of Witness to Love
Mary-Rose & Ryan Verret
Mary-Rose & Ryan Verret are internationally recognized speakers, authors, television hosts, and the co-founders of Witness to Love. Together Ryan and Mary-Rose speak on issues regarding evangelization, marriage, and discipleship.
In December of 2023 the Verrets were appointed as Consultants to the Vatican Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life by His Holiness Pope Francis.
In June 2021 the Verrets were invited by the Vatican to present on the impact of mentor couples in evangelization at the International Forum: Where do we stand with Amoris Laetitia? They have been interviewed by: Rome Reports, The National Catholic Register, EWTN, The Catholic World Report, Catholic News Agency, The Gus Lloyd Show, Aleteia, and secular media outlets.
They are the authors of The Road to Family Missionary Discipleship (2023) and Witness to Love: How to Help the Next Generation Build Marriages that Survive and Thrive (2015). In 2021, they co-hosted the 12 episode TV show Family with Shalom World. Mary-Rose is a featured presenter in the series Doors of Mercy released by St. Benedict Press for the Year of Mercy.
Ryan completed graduate studies in Theology, Clinical Psychology, and Medical Ethics and worked for several years in the field of healthcare administration. Prior to co-founding Witness to Love, Ryan has worked primarily in the development of legislative and educational efforts that develop the Culture of Life both in Louisiana and throughout the United States and Canada.
The Verrets reside in the heart of Cajun Country in Louisiana with their six children. Their passion is teaching couples to share their marriage with others and to understand that their home is a missionary outpost of the local parish.
Governing Board
Mary-Rose and Ryan Verret
Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond
Diocese of New Orleans, United State Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ecclesial Advisor
Sr. Virginia Joy, S.V.
Evangelization and Discipleship Advisor from the Sisters of Life
Fr. Eric Cadin
Clergy Advisor
Kathryn Jean Lopez
Program/Curriculum Advisors
Salvatore Caruso
Fr. Michael Delcambre
Spiritual Advisor
David Lukinovich
Legal Advisor
Peter Martin
Program/Curriculum Advisor
Kate Sell
Organizational/Strategic Advisor
Hispanic Advisory Board
Deanna Johnston
Alejandro Bermudez
Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR
How Witness to Love is impacting couples.
Witness to Love re-enforced that the sacrament of marriage is a gift of unending grace that helps to sustain our marriage. Young couples need to know the truth about their faith and marriage. Witness to Love presents this truth through real people and their stories as well as the mentors' stories.
Mentor Couple Gaynal and Ann, Lafayette, La
Witness to Love is not only a positive experience for engaged couples but as a result was a positive experience for us as a married couple. Our church community has brought us closer in general as a couple.
Mentor Couple Christine and Steve, Kansas City, KS
We love getting to know the families in our parish, and feel like the more that we can do to strengthen marriages that our children see, the more likely they are to pursue healthy Christian relationships and marriages themselves. We are blessed to have taken part in nurturing these relationships through Witness to Love, so that they can be that example to the families in our parish community.
Mentor Couple Christopher and Stefania, Dallas, TX
We feel stronger after going through Witness to Love as a married couple and want to re-read the book every year or so just to refresh and stay on top of keeping our marriage strong.
Mentor Couple Aaron and Nicole Archdiocese of Detroit, MI
Since we didn't have a sacramental marriage prior to our convalidation, we now fully understand the difference between the contract of our civil union and the covenant of our marriage in the Catholic church. We have been (civilly) married for over 25 years and didn't foresee our daily conversations making such a difference and bearing so much fruit. But now we pray together every day.
Civilly Married Couple Karl and Jill, Seattle, WA
I truly believe that marriage programs such as Witness to Love are huge benefits for married or engaged couples wanting to be successful in their marriage. These events and/or programs that can benefit families as a whole, allow families of the parish to socialize and spread their faith and love while also spending quality time together.
WTL Couple Payton and Cody, Houma, La
All of the Be More Retreat videos had an impact because each video had something special to offer whether it be about keeping God at the center, raising your children in the Catholic faith or even finances. All of the videos were great resources that outlined marriage between man and woman.
David and Clare, Venice, FL
I definitely think I will be more active in the parish because of Witness to Love. While my fiance has been a part of the Catholic Church her whole life, it was very new to me to dive in and have deep conversations about the faith. The program got me really interested in continuing to learn about the Catholic Church.
John and Bailey, Lansing, MI
Going through Witness to Love has 10000000000% deepened our faith and increased our desire to strengthen our marriage. I feel so grateful and blessed to have been chosen for this opportunity (to mentor). We needed it more than they knew! More than we knew!! Take the leap of faith, trust God put this in your hands for a reason.
Mentor Couple Brad and Caroline, Baton Rouge, La