Fertility Awareness
Course for Leaders
Witness to Love introduces a comprehensive Fertility Awareness course that empowers clergy, parish staff, and lay leaders to share the good news of God’s plan for married love. Through this course, leaders will learn more about Natural Family Planning, as well as be equipped and encouraged to discuss these topics with couples.

Fertility Ethics
Ethical perspective on fertility from moral theologian, Janet E. Smith.

NFP Expertise
Practical applications from certified NFP instructor, Mary Rose Verret and Dr. Kerry Pound.

Pastoral Wisdom
Gain further insight on NFP from Fr. Mario Amore.

Personal Testimony
Personal witness, Alex & Sarah Schimpf, share their journey.
Course Presenters
Meet the faces of our natural family planning program.

Mary Rose Verret

Dr. Janet Smith

Fr. Mario Amore

Dr. Kerry and Peter Pound

Alex and Sarah Schimpf
About Natural Family Planning
No longer “guess work,” Natural Family Planning (NFP) is an effective, scientifically based method of family planning that treats fertility as a normal, healthy process. It only takes seconds a day for a woman to track her fertility; then the couple interprets the chart and makes a decision based on their family planning intention.
NFP works through periodic abstinence during the method-defined fertile time for couples who are avoiding a pregnancy. NFP can be used effectively throughout a woman’s entire reproductive life. Regular cycles are NOT required and NFP is NOT Calendar Rhythm.
Have questions about our Fertility Awareness course?
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Additional Resources & FAQs
What is Natural Family Planning?
No longer “guess work,” Natural Family Planning (NFP) is an effective, scientifically based method of family planning that treats fertility as a normal, healthy process. It only takes seconds a day for a woman to track her fertility; then the couple interprets the chart and makes a decision based on their family planning intention. NFP works through periodic abstinence during the method-defined fertile time for couples who are avoiding a pregnancy. NFP can be used effectively throughout a woman’s entire reproductive life. Regular cycles are NOT required and NFP is NOT Calendar Rhythm.
Does it work?
It can be highly effective for couples who are avoiding or achieving a pregnancy. Couples who are taught well, understand the method, are clear about their family planning intention, and carefully follow all the rules for avoiding a pregnancy all the time will experience a 98 to 99.9 percent effectiveness rate. Couples who occasionally do not follow all the rules for avoiding a pregnancy will most likely experience a pregnancy rate similar to condoms and other barrier methods of family planning.
Who can use NFP?
Couples who want to share responsibility for family planning
Couples who are avoiding a pregnancy
Couples who are trying to achieve a pregnancy
Women who want to understand their menstrual cycle
Women during all phases of their reproductive life: typical, long, or short cycles, after childbirth and discontinuation of hormonal contraception, while breastfeeding, and during premenopause
What are the benefits?
Low cost
No harmful side effects
Highly effective for avoiding or achieving a pregnancy
Marriage enrichment and mutual understanding
Morally acceptable by all religious faiths
Self understanding
Appreciation of fertility and children
Fosters respect for and acceptance of the total person.
Downloadable Resources
WTL Natural Family Planning
Understand how the Church invites couples to “Responsible Parenthood” while remaining faithful to the promises they have made to one another.
External Resources
USCCB NFP Overview
What is natural family planning?
Fertility Awareness Database
Practical resources to help women and couples understand their options of care related to their fertility and to find support in the practice.
Theology of the Body Institute
Community of men and women who are learning, living, and sharing Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
Jason Evert
Jason Evert presents the case against contraception and for Natural Family Planning.
Chastity Project
Dating, sexual purity, marriage, and more.
Additional Courses
Natural Womanhood
The first step to learning a fertility awareness method (FAM) is to choose a method.
Find an NFP Class
Charting Toward Intimacy
Looking for answers to the questions you don't want to Google? Not sure where to get help when your sexual life is on the rocks and everything the secular culture has to offer is only making things worse? Welcome to Charting Toward Intimacy where you learn to actually enjoy and desire good, holy sex with your spouse. Hosted by Ellen Holloway, Catholic Sex and Intimacy Coach.
Lust is Boring