
Choosing to Live and to Love in the Day that You are Given - Witness to Love

Written by Mary Rose Verret | Feb 12, 2022 9:00:10 AM

Choosing to Live and to Love in the Day that You are Given

Yesterday a dear friend’s husband passed from this life. On Christmas Eve, just over a month ago, my best friend’s husband died suddenly. Just four months ago my dad passed away. The fragility of life has my attention. There are seasons in life where we ponder success, education, retirement accounts, vacations, health–there’s always something that preoccupies the largest portion of our attention.

But…what if choosing love preoccupied the largest portion of our attention? At the end of life what else matters?

Read complete blog from the National Catholic Register here.


Join Witness to Love for a couples’ novena in honor of #NationalMarriageWeek.  Each Day, we’ll pray for a different intention and commend our prayers to the intercession of powerful married Saints so that we might learn how to love! Find more information here and additional resources for couples and parishes here.